Guillermo GORDON {M} = Benigna Guadalupe de Jesús BENAVIDES {F}
Married 1-June-1879, Valparaíso, Chile1
Benigna Guadalupe de Jesús BENAVIDES:
Born 11-December-1857, Quillota, Chile
Christened 12-December-1857, Quillota, Chile2
Guillermo GORDON {M}
Born 1880, Valparaíso
Died 1882, Valparaíso
María Cristina GORDON {F} = Arturo BENAVIDES {M} > Family
Married 1933
María Cristina GORDON:
Born 13-December-1881, Valparaíso
Born 28-August-1864
En la guerra del Pacífico se enroló a los 17 años. Cortonel de Ejército. Hizo la campaña completa. Alcalde de Valparaíso.
Se radicó en Argentina.
Autor del libro "Seis años de vacaciones"
Carlos GORDON {M} = Leontina BENAVIDES {F} > Family
María Mercedes GORDON {F} = Guillermo LINZMAYER {M} > Family
Married 1905
María Mercedes GORDON:
Born 1885, Valparaíso, Chile
Ignacio GORDON {M} = Luzmira SILVA {F} > Family
Humberto GORDON {M} = Laura RUBIO {F} > Family
Married 1925
Humberto GORDON:
Leonor GORDON {F} = Federico BOUILLON {M} > Family
Eduardo GORDON {M} = María Josefa CAÑAS {F} > Family
Married 1917
Eduardo GORDON:
Julia GORDON {F}
Jorge GORDON {M} = Carmen PERALTA {F} > Family
Married 1941
Amelia GORDON {F}
Born 1901
Died 1918, San Antonio, Chile
Concertista en piano
Desaparecida en el mar en 1918 en el muelle de San Antonio
1 : ; Page f.184; Primary evidence
libro 12 Parroquia de los 12 Apóstoles, Valparaíso
2 : ; Page f.201; Primary evidence
libro 22
Superscripted numbers are references to source citations at the bottom of this page.
{M} = Male; {F} = Female.